
(2025). LibRTS: A Spatial Indexing Library by Ray Tracing. To appear in PPoPP'25.
(2024). RayJoin: Fast and Accurate Spatial Join with Ray Tracing. In ICS.
(2024). RR-Compound: RDMA-fused gRPC for Low Latency and High Throughput with an Easy Interface. In TPDS.
(2024). Ingress: an automated incremental graph processing system. In VLDB Journal.
(2023). Efficient Multi-GPU Graph Processing with Remote Work Stealing. In ICDE.
(2022). Linking Entities across Relations and Graphs. In ICDE.
(2022). An RDMA-enabled In-memory Computing Platform for R-tree on Clusters. In TSAS.
(2021). Automating Incremental Graph Processing with Flexible Memoization. In VLDB.
(2020). Automating Incremental and Asynchronous Evaluation for Recursive Aggregate Data Processing. In SIGMOD.
(2019). Catfish: Adaptive RDMA-enabled R-Tree for Low Latency and High Throughput. In ICDCS.